Monday-Friday, you will find us busy behind our laptops, on the phone to clients and the media or jumping in and out of Teams meetings planning content and strategies.
Recently, we arranged for the Editors of KBB Review and Kitchens, Bedrooms, Bathrooms to meet our client, Thomas Crapper, at the beautiful West One showroom in Tunbridge Wells. It was a fantastic morning that benefited all three parties – including the showroom manager.

We started the morning listening to a very informative presentation from the team at Thomas Crapper. Rebecca and Georgina received an insight into the history of the company and the exciting plans for 2023…more to come on that soon.
The editorial experts then presented us with an overview of how Thomas Crapper can work best with the publications via their online platforms and of course, print. There were plans and features agreed there and then.

We ended the morning with a tour of the showroom which opened its doors last year. Plenty of photographs were taken and questions asked which left everyone feeling excited to go back and start writing about Thomas Crapper.
The meeting led to instant social media coverage and agreed features.
Needless to say, we are looking forward to more “out out” events.