A key part of PR and marketing is the relationships with the media and at Taylor Alden, we’re proud of ours. But, how do we maintain such close contacts?
The answer is simple – communication.
The team at Taylor Alden has spent years getting to know the editorial and commercial staff at our clients’ target publications. Every new starter at the company is introduced to our key contacts so that we can keep the close relationships going.
We nurture those relationships by regularly meeting up with the writers at the relevant publications and showing the latest updates from our clients which can be shared across print, online and social media platforms. We also chat on the phone regularly. While email can often be the go-to option, nothing beats a phone call as it’s more personal.
And, with the growing age of social media, we regularly interact with key editors on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter showing just how much communication really happens behind the scenes to keep our close connections.
Then there’s networking events, awards nights, press trips, etc, which are all opportunities for us to chat with the media and maintain our close relationships.